Habitat strives to make homeownership affordable for hardworking families.

To be eligible for the Habitat Homeownership Program, applicants must meet the following requirements: Be able to make affordable monthly payments, have a need for adequate housing, and have a  willingness to partner in the program.

Have a gross household income that is between 50-80% of the area median income for the county to which you are applying.  Median income varies depending on family size (See the charts below)

Show a stable employment history or other reliable source of income

Have an acceptable credit history and a good record of paying rent on time

Be able to save $2,500 to go towards closing costs

Area Median Income Chart As of Spring 2022
(Subject to Change Annually)


Family Size Minimum (50%)
household income
Maximum (80%)
household income
1 $30,200 $48,300
2 $34,500 $55,200
3 $38,800 $62,100
4 $43,150 $69,000
5 $46,600 $74,500
6 $50,100 $80,000
7 $53,500 $85,600
8 $57,000 $91,100


Family Size Minimum (50%)
household income
Maximum (80%)
household income
1 $37,100 $59,400
2 $42,400 $67,800
3 $47,700 $76,300
4 $53,000 $84,800
5 $57,200 $91,600
6 $61,500 $98,400
7 $65,700 $105,200
8 $70,000 $111,900

*If you are unsure about eligibility, please contact info@glensfallshabitat.org for help with all financial questions.

Substandard – broken plumbing; faulty or unsafe electrical; poor heating; deteriorating structure; exposure to mold, lead or asbestos; or any other situation that is a health and/or safety issue.

Cost-burdened – if your rental payments are 35% or more of your total income

Overcrowded – if and adult and child; or more than two children; or two children of the opposite sex share a bedroom

Unsafe neighborhood

Income too low to secure conventional financing from a traditional lending institution.

Committing to 500 hours of “sweat equity” (see FAQs for more details)

Attending financial literacy, credit repair and homebuyer classes

Maintaining open communication and attending regular meetings with Habitat

Providing proof of income & savings once per month

Be a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen and live or work in Northern Saratoga, Washington or Warren Counties.

Be a first-time homebuyer, defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as not having owned a home in the last 3 years

Applications are welcome.



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